Teleportation Chip: Teleportation Chip 3
Specifications                  [Edit]
Weight:1 kg
Concentration:12.1 Seconds
Cooldown:10 Seconds
Cooldown Group:I
Range:3.3 km
Uses:3 /Min
Range/Min:8.96 Km/Min
Maximal TT:154 PED
Minimal TT:4.23 PED
Uses:6011 Total
Decay:2.492 PEC
Ammo Type:Mind Essence
Ammo:5600 ME
Cost:58.492 PEC
Cost + MU:69.692 PEC
Meters/PEC:56.42 m
Meters/PEC + MU:47.35 m
Recommended Level:1.8 Levels
This is a Translocator Mindforce chip. Higher level chips have more features than lower level chips.
To use a Mindforce chip you need an inserted Mindforce implant.
The profession level on the inserted implant must be higher than the chip`s minimum profession level.

  • This chip has 'teleport to home' capability

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