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What we do
Mostly, we do our own things. We help out new arrivals -- several of us are active mentors, too. Members randomly team up for hunts and teleporter runs. In hunts with four or more, we often use only "TT weapons" for economy, skilling, and fairness.
Recruiting good people
We are a younger society, hoping to splinter off a couple factions later on. All mature, good reputation, good karma people are invited to apply.
Active roster
Our full roster is around 60 members. About half, 30, are active members -- people who are on at least twice a week. About a quarter, 15, are on an hour or more nearly every day.
- TAO - leadership
Kuolucious howie Tw founded this society, he is also the soc master. Osmotious Oz Maximious and Namir Endi Daquarii are guard commanders.
* Our society had a name change, from TAO-19 to - TAO - during VU9 in October 2007. It was also a re-structuring, from a Militia to an Order. ==Errata==Globals and HoFs
We have a thread for SocTeam Globals & HoFs on EntropiaForum.com.
Society sub-forum on EntropiaForum.com
We have a society members-only sub-forum on EntropiaForum.com. To sign up, list our society in your Edit Profile page, then select (*) Join Group on the Group Memberships page. Both the Edit Profile and Group Memberships pages are found on the left column in your User CP.
Head shots
Both EntropiaForum.com and entropiawiki.com accept head shots for your avatar. Just switch to reverse-view in-game (That might be done by holding down the mouse wheel, or both the left and right mouse buttons), then do a Print Screen. You will need to open up Paint.exe or your favorite graphics program to cut out your head shot to save it as a JPG or GIF, 150 by 150 pixels or 64.0 KB (whichever is smaller).
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Some of the members in this society.