Creature: Thorifoid Waywatcher
Specifications                  [Edit]
Maturity Class:Thorifoid
Found on:Planet Calypso
HP of least Maturity:370 HP
Scanning:Mutant Investigator
Minimum Global level:50 PED

The Waywatchers patrol the camps and caverns of their Thor clan. Usually, the strongest warriors that are not intelligent enough to make good soldiers are given this position.

Despite this apparent insult, the Waywatchers are held in high regard by their clan. They are often gifted food and drinks by the farmers in the clan, and even the shamans dedicate sacrifices to these guards.


This creature is only currently found in Cyclops Depths.

Codex Rewards

Enter info via Thorifoid Berserker.

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Maturity Levels

Attributes of the creature. Damage vs. Armor calculations.

MaturityHealthRegen. SpeedDamageDanger LevelHP/LvlThreatTaming Level
Inept370  1328.5  
Neophyte440  1529.3  
Novice490  1728.8  
Apprentice600  2030  
Adept720  2430  
Superior790  2630.4  
Great850  2830.4  
Master1350  4232.1  
Elder1700  5232.7  
 HPHP/sHP   Level

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Loots from this creature. The "Last VU" button updates the "Latest VU" column to the current VU. Entries with a red background have not yet been reported to drop this VU. Warning: Some loots may be false.
The "Maturity" column is used to indicate the lowest maturity from which an item has been looted.

ItemFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
ShrapnelVery oftenNeophyte18.10.3Edit
Animal Pancreas OilOftenNeophyteEdit
Surface Hardener ComponentCommonNeophyte17.18.0Last VUEdit
Thorifoid Berserker's Helm Flimsy (L)Uncommon 17.14.0Last VUEdit
Tier 3 ComponentCommon 17.8.2Last VUEdit
Isis LBC 20 (L)UncommonNoviceLast VUEdit
Basic Stone ExtractorCommonNoviceLast VUEdit
Tiger Arm Guards (L)UncommonElderLast VUEdit
Combustive Attack Nanochip 3 (L)No longer drops 15.17.0Last VUEdit
Human SkullNo longer drops VUEdit

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Defence Skills

The following skills are involved by being attacked by this creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: AgilityNo840
Combat: Combat ReflexesNo111600
Combat: Combat SenseYes6800
Defense: AvoidanceYes70
Defense: EvadeNo250
General: AlertnessNo50
General: AthleticsNo14533.3
General: CourageNo7320
General: IntuitionYes31600
General: QuicknessYes93200
General: SerendipityYes51600

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Scanning Skills

You get these skills by scanning the creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: IntelligenceNo180
General: PerceptionNo51600
Information: ProbingNo70
Information: Scan MutantNo500
Medical: AnatomyNo40
Science: AnalysisNo100
Science: BiologyNo50
Science: ComputerNo20
Science: GeneticsNo90
Science: ScientistYes31600
Science: XenobiologyYes40

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