ChartItemTypeOld ValueNew ValueTimeUserMarkUndoComments
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Efficiency 55.3 08-04-2018 06:11:55 Cnpym (talk) efficiency
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Ammo Light BLP Pack BLP Pack 04-10-2011 12:33:17 Serica (talk) ammo amalgamation vu12.1.0
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Maxed 20 31-07-2007 21:07:25 Hijacker27 (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Maxed 20 31-07-2007 21:07:18 Hijacker27 (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Hit Profession BLP Sniper (Hit) BLP Pistoleer (Hit) 20-03-2007 17:32:43 Cougar (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Class Carbine Pistol 06-03-2007 22:33:55 Solaris (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Class Pistol Carbine 06-03-2007 21:18:03 Solaris (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Damage Profession BLP Sniper (Hit) Ranged BLP (Dmg) 06-03-2007 14:12:58 Solaris (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Hit Profession Ranged BLP (Dmg) BLP Sniper (Hit) 06-03-2007 14:12:58 Solaris (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Item Image GeoTrek BLP Handguns 17-02-2007 14:00:57 Witte (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Decay 2.460 2.917 15-02-2007 19:37:47 AkiranBlade (talk) I made a booboo
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Decay 3.300 2.460 13-02-2007 21:51:19 AkiranBlade (talk) Initial wrong decay AGAIN!
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Damage Profession BLP Pistoleer (Hit) BLP Sniper (Hit) 13-02-2007 18:08:53 Johnny (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Damage Profession BLP Sniper (Hit) BLP Pistoleer (Hit) 12-02-2007 23:42:37 Johnny (talk) It says Light BLP Pack, so I changed it from Carbine to HG...
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Class Carbine Pistol 12-02-2007 23:42:36 Johnny (talk) It says Light BLP Pack, so I changed it from Carbine to HG...
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Damage Profession BLP Pistoleer (Hit) BLP Sniper (Hit) 12-02-2007 17:21:29 dbelinfante (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Class Pistol Carbine 12-02-2007 17:15:26 dbelinfante (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Damage Profession BLP Sniper (Hit) BLP Pistoleer (Hit) 10-02-2007 12:50:42 KingJ (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Class Pistol 08-02-2007 23:34:59 dreicc (talk)
Weapons GeoTrek H41 Mina (L) Item Image 08-02-2007 15:18:25 Solaris (talk)
1 2
When adding an amp: Black means the weapon is not affected by the selected amp type, Green means the amp is used at full capacity and Red means the amp is too powerful for the weapon. The maxed column indicates the profession level where the learning period has ended.
  • Effective damage: Effective damage is based on average damage and is corrected for the hit rate of a maxed weapon.
  • Skill based: Damage is based on personal or custom profession levels. See help or the discussion tab for more details. Rows that are higlighted are missing profession level data.
  • Markup based: Dmg/PEC is calculated based on the markup of the weapon, amp and ammo.
  • Eco based: Markup value of the weapon is calculated based on a custom Dmg/PEC level.
To determine the decay of an item, see the guide "Calculate the decay of an item". Showing 1 of 56 items.


Hit profession:
Damage profession:
Amp markup:
Ammo markup:

Type: Planet:
General InformationStatsEconomyMisc. InfoSourcePersonal effects
NameClassTypeRangeDamageAttacksDmg/secDecayAmmoCostMax.TTMarkupDmg/PECEfficiencySIBSourcePersonal effects
GeoTrek H41 Mina (L)PistolBLP27.5495028.42.91790011.917230.00 2.85855.3YesCrafted 
     meterHP/minHPPEC PECPED HP%   

Latest update: 02-01-2025 15:21:52 (Local Time), Edit properties, Edit columns

Empty fields mean either not applicable or unknown value. Descriptions may be found when you hover the mouse over the column headers or cells.

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