All missions Showing 341 of 56 items.
Mission Chain: Planet:
General InformationMission Broker
PlanetNameObjectiveRepeatableRewardReward SkillsMission BrokerLongitudeLatitudeNearest CityRequired MissionAddedCompleted
Planet Cyrene01 - Meet with ZorraListen to all of Zorra's information.No  Zorra Winters13886677211A.R.C. StagingCompleted
Planet Cyrene02 - Skilled MessengerKill 1002 ImperiumNo  Zorra Winters13886677211A.R.C. Staging01 - Meet with ZorraCompleted
Planet Cyrene03 - Zorra Approves, You are the EmissaryLearn more about the Zyn'Kimbro as a culture.No  Zorra Winters13886677211A.R.C. Staging02 - Skilled MessengerCompleted
Planet Cyrene04 - At the Behest of the High ShamanKill 560 Mang ChangNo    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn03 - Zorra Approves, You are the EmissaryCompleted
Planet Cyrene05 - Prove Your WorthKill 2800 PaneleonNo    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn04 - At the Behest of the High ShamanCompleted
Planet Cyrene06 - Vengeance for the FallenKill 1454 Zyn'DosNo    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn05 - Prove Your WorthCompleted
Planet Cyrene07 - A Tale of LegendsListen to the tale of Lazidol!No    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn06 - Vengeance for the FallenCompleted
Planet Cyrene08 - Summon the GladiatorKill over 11,000 Merfolken to summon a Gladiator and kill itNo    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn07 - A Tale of LegendsCompleted
Planet Cyrene09 - The Legends were TrueListen to the High Shaman's Plan!No    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn08 - Summon the GladiatorCompleted
Planet Cyrene10 - A Powerful SummonsThe High Shaman needs you to give him 40 Imperium Key Cubes.No    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn09 - The Legends were TrueCompleted
Planet Cyrene11 - Not Quite CompleteThe High Shaman needs you to kill 512 Skreel to charge up the Enchanted Lure.No    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn10 - A Powerful SummonsCompleted
Planet Cyrene12 - A Deserved RewardRefine 6 Items and turn in for rewardNoZyn'kimbro Fishing Spear & Zorra gives Xent Tech Light Rifle Prototype   A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn11 - Not Quite CompleteCompleted
Planet Cyrene13 - Hail Lazidol, The Great Sea BeastTalk to the High Shaman to get a Lazidol Lure to be able to summon Lazidol.NoAbility to Summon Great Sea Beast Lazidol   A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn12 - A Deserved RewardCompleted
Planet Cyrene14 - Strange Times......IndeedNo    A.R.C. Immigration - Zyn13 - Hail Lazidol, The Great Sea BeastCompleted
Planet Cyrene20,000 Crystal Pede WeeklyEarn 20,000 Crystal Pede KillpointsYesAim (eq. ##.## PED implant)AimExecutor Andre138458771930x101 Supply DepotA.R.C. Challenge - 50,000 Crystal Pede pointsCyrene VU - 30-05-17Completed
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